In 1997 2xseries a small group, which did several program activities on the internet.As a group, 2xseries is doing some research & learning in astronomy, mythology and others.
2xseries be separated into 2 sub-groups namely 2xseries web portal & 2xseries organization.The 1st website on 2xseries.cjb.net
2xseries web portal which is one of the internet web portals that provide services for users on the internet.
- Free sub domain e-mail.
- Search engine portal.
- Electronic Greeting cards.
- Local News Headlines.
- Stock Screener.
- other activities for 2xseries members (2xseries.cjb.net)
- Internet Communication (Network)
- Software Engineering
- Java & C language applications
- also electronic devices.
An animated 2xseries on fire
2000 under the name 2xseries Group.Basic establishment is aimed at creative development in ICT.at this moment ,the original group name was "2xseries FX"
Reworked logo as nostalgic 2xseries subportal
A simple logo created based on the globe, and internet media and portal that is growing in Malaysia
The 2xseries.cjb.net web portal was registered, built on top of several web hosting sites, while 2xserieSoft was registered later in the same year
A typo red caption on 2001 it's should be 2xseries FX or "2xseries" only
A new software programming on VB,based under Ingrid Software tagline,while 2xserieSoft programing on DxGuardion Mirc Script back in 2003
In the past 10 years, Paradox Group seen more active and intend to ICT industry,is due to the more needy members of the group,after 2 years later it changed its name to ParadoxTech,Ingrid Software also disbanded.
The basic objective of ParadoxTech is still the same but it has been
minimized, Convergence is more focused in the field of mathematical computing technology algorithms, Therefore it is involved in programming, computer systems and networks.This blog 2xseries.blogspot.com was created.
Up to now ParadoxTech is part of a group of creative thinking innovation on utility software, math computing,Forex exchange market and Forex algorithm for Zainaza Enterprise until 2018
ParadoxTech move on from Zainaza Enterprise to Ingrid Enterprise until today.Tagline to MyParadoxTech on facebook claimed for Malaysia.
This blog, logo and tag line has been updated, for 2xseries user announcements and more information, with new enthusiasm, for the future.
May 2023
A new prototype SE portal on MyExplorer8,it's hosted on blog spot on address :
A new MyParadoxTech Blogspot, FXTrader-Labs BlogSpot registered:
Meanwhile our friends blogspot such as Shahril83.cjb.net and Lensa-Terbang blogspot had been updated to new interface templates
January 2024
ParadoxTech Fully transformed to MyParadoxTech since New Year 2024
August 2024
Archived all 2xseries website before on hosting : Root from http://2xseries.cjb.net
- 2001 - 2002 http://dfx.addr.com ~ (#2xseries - Give U more than just a website)
- 2001 - 2002 http://2xseries.addr.com ~ (2xseries - Make it better than before)
- 2002 http://2xseries.netfirms.com ~ (We Give you the Best - 2xseries)
- 2003 - 2004 http://www.polarhome.com:743/~paradox/2xseries
- 2003 http://paradox83.web1000.com/2xseries ~ (2xseries - Moving to the new era)
- 2004 http://paradox83.web1000.com/2xseries ~ (2xseries - Search Engine & Directories)
- 2004 http://infxseries.freelinuxhost.com ~ (2xseries - We Give u more)
- 2007 - 2010 http://users.cjb.net/2xseries ~ (2xseries Free Webmail Service)
- 2012 http://2xseries.blogspot.com ~ (2xseries Group)
- 2020 - Now http://2xseries.blogspot.com ~ Now (2xseries - In a new way)